Reading Renewal Forward
Parashat Bo, Exodus 10:1–13:16
Rabbi Paul L Saal, Congregation Shuvah Yisrael, West Hartford, CT
Let’s talk about renewal. There’s something powerful about starting fresh—about moving forward, not just physically, but spiritually. It’s about embracing change and becoming more of who we’re meant to be as Israel, the people of the God of Israel. To do so, we need to break free from a bad habit: reading backward and, as a result, living backward. The historical church has often reduced the experience of Israel to nothing more than a warmup act for the coming of Yeshua. While they have rightly concluded that Yeshua continues Israel’s story and purpose, they often overlook the fact that he does so in partnership with the rest of B’nai Yaakov.
This week’s parasha, Bo, continues the story of redemption and renewal as God not only prepares but enacts Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. In last week’s parasha, Va’era, God shared something profound with Moses. He said, “I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians” (Exod 6:7). This promise is about so much more than just escaping Egypt. It’s about creating a real, deep relationship. God wasn’t just pulling the Israelites out of physical slavery—he was inviting them into a new way of life, a new understanding of who he is and who they are in him.
When we reflect on this, we realize that it’s not just a historical event. It speaks into our lives today. The Israelites were being delivered, yes, but they were also being invited into something bigger. God’s purpose wasn’t just freedom from Egypt; it was to reveal his power, his presence, and his authority in a way that would change everything—not just for Israel, but for the whole world. But the covenant starts with Israel and will not continue without Israel.
One thing I love about this passage is how Moses emphasizes that the journey ahead is for everyone. “With our youngsters, with our elders shall we go; with our sons and daughters, with our flock and our cattle shall we go” (Exod 6:9). The whole community, from the youngest to the oldest, is invited into this new chapter. One commentator points out that no celebration is complete without children. It’s a beautiful reminder that the next generation plays a vital role in what God is doing. Another commentator notes that even the elderly, who might feel past their prime, are included because they, too, are rejuvenated by the promise of freedom. It’s an all-encompassing, inclusive journey.
As we dive deeper into this story, we realize that God’s deliverance wasn’t just about freeing people from physical oppression. It was about making his name known, declaring his power and greatness. In Exodus 9:16, God says, “But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, so that I might show you my power, and that my name may be declared in all the earth.” This wasn’t just about Israel’s personal freedom; it was about the whole world knowing that there’s a God who reigns, who is active, and who has authority over everything—yet is also faithful to fulfill his promises. Prior to calling Moses into service, the Torah tells us that God “remembered the covenant with the patriarchs” (Exod 2:24). Therefore, the liberation through Moses is part of the natural progression of the patriarchal covenant.
That leads us to today. There’s a lot of talk, especially among younger generations, about needing something real, something bold. Rabbi Niles Elliot Goldstein, in his book Gonzo Judaism, talks about how many in his generation feel disconnected from the way Judaism has been practiced, yet they’re still hungry for spiritual truth. He says, “We don’t need to be treated with kid gloves—we need to be agitated. Our generation calls for a Judaism that is bold, confrontational, and smack in your face. We want to be pushed. And we want to push back” (p. 125). Honestly, I think that sentiment is true across the board. We may want a faith that’s nice and comfortable, but we need a faith that challenges us, that pushes us to grow, and that makes us confront the deep urges in our lives.
This is exactly what God was calling Israel to—something bold, something life-changing. When they were brought out of Egypt, it wasn’t just to escape hardship; it was about embracing a new identity, declaring that God is King, that his name matters, and that they—along with the whole world—are meant to live with that truth at the core of everything. The God of Israel is the God over the world.
This brings me to something Franz Rosenzweig, a 20th century Jewish theologian, stated in a 1945 commentary on Zionism: “The Jewish individual needs nothing but readiness.” Are we ready for what God will do next? Are we ready for the changes he wants to make in us, for the way he wants to transform our lives? Are we ready to embrace a renewal that may look different from what we’re used to?
I think this is the challenge we face today—whether we’re young or old, whether we’re new to faith or have been walking this road for years: Are we ready to embrace what God has for us next? Are we open to the bold, radical, and transformative ways he might want to work in us?
So, as we think about all of this, let’s ask ourselves: What’s God calling us to right now? How can we be a part of this larger story—one that’s not just about us but about the whole world knowing who God is? And are we ready to step into that story with everything we’ve got?
This brings us back to the concept of reading forward, of living forward. Yeshua came to deliver us from the grip of death, to bring us individually and corporately before the throne of grace and mercy. But he also asks us to pick up our crosses and follow him (Matt 16:24). While this may not feel like a quintessentially Jewish ideal, it is consistent with the historical Jewish experience and calling. I like to say that Yeshua did not come instead of us; rather, he came ahead of us.
Let’s think about it together and see what happens next.
Thanks for reflecting on this with me today. Let’s be ready for the renewal God has in store.