January Executive Director Letter

Greetings Union Friends,

In 1899, Charles Holland Duel, Commissioner of the US Patent Office, (supposedly) said: “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” I was shocked that someone in his position could say such a thing, so I was pleased to learn later he was misquoted. Believing as I do that the future belongs to those who dream and strive, accepting the status quo doesn’t abide with me. For me, it’s all about forward!

The Union recently embraced the theme “Kadima”—meaning “forward!” That 21 new communities joined in 2024 says something about forward momentum. We currently have 17 new applicants onboarding—with another new inquiry I have yet to respond to. “What’s the secret?” someone asked me. “Good people” was my answer. Allow me to share just a few of those good people with you.

Our provisional West Regional Director, Suzy Linett, contacts me every few weeks about new interest she’s generating in her region. She wondered if she’s bothering me with incessant emails, questions, and mild debate. . . . All I could say is: “You go girl!” Suzy is a rare breed. We’re fortunate to have forward-thinking leaders like her—and others.

Rabbi Ira Brawer recently took the helm of our Kadima Fund leadership training initiative and is proactive in getting financial resources to those in our community preparing for ministry.

In Europe, Rabbi Boris Goldin and Rabbi Howard Silverman interviewed eight new Messianic communities in Ukraine who are petitioning for entrance into the Union in 2025. I’m planning to go to Ukraine in short order. I’d like to report some financial assistance is on the way, as there is still a great need among Ukrainian believers.

Drs. John and Patrice Fischer recently went to South America and represented the Union at a significant Messianic conference there and met with the communities that have recently joined the Union as affiliates. Those attending the Winter Leadership Conference later this month will meet our new Union leaders from France; K. Moledet Habibi and his wife, Kristine. They are an impressive couple and looking forward to meeting you all as well — despite the language barrier. If you’ve been slow to sign up, hit the link, since registration closes January 10!

A big Strategic Planning Session is slated for Wednesday, following the conference, open to leaders from Union member congregations. Also, at WLC we’ll be formally rolling out our new “Friends of the Union Program.” This is extremely important and I am excited to share the details soon!

In the Spring of 2025, Rabbi Rich Nichol along with other rabbi-scholars will meet with Hispanic Messianic leaders in Dallas.

My wife Barri and I are planning a Friends of the Union Israel tour in the Summer of 2025, and our Executive Secretary, Matt Absolon, will be leading a Union Youth tour in Israel. Check out the links if you’d like to visit the Land and some communities there.

Lastly, I’d like to remind you of a major benevolent effort for this year: our “50-50 Solidarity Campaign”—to service needs in Israel and Ukraine. The Union has responded with financial gifts towards needs in both of these countries in the past, but Messianic communities in Israel and Ukraine still need financial help amidst their current struggles. I implore you to hit the donate link and send relief their way right now—gifts are split evenly between the two countries. Your help is needed!

Want to hear some behind the scenes news? Click the link for the full video update. Hope you enjoy.


Dr. Jeffrey Seif

Executive Director

Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations

Russ Resnik