In Praise of Freedom

In a world that is coping with unrelenting plagues and an autocrat's callous war on helpless civilians, observing Passover has never seemed more relevant. We’ve rediscovered the value and fragility of our freedom.

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Russ Resnik
How to Use Your Tongue for Good

A lot of ink has been spilled over the centuries about the evils of lashon hara. Nothing much has been said, however, on its corollary, lashon hatov, good speech. That’s what I would like us to focus on today.

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Russ Resnik
Pause to Wonder

The capacity for wonder is fast disappearing in our day. But wonder is holy: it reminds us there is something, or Someone, beyond ourselves. Wonder causes us to sense and seek God.

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Russ Resnik
"No, You Can’t Have Those Chick-fil-A Nuggets"

When I tell people I have never eaten a Chick-fil-A nugget because it is non-kosher chicken (I have had their fries, and they definitely live up to the hype), they are shocked. Personally, I keep kosher not just because I grew up that way but also because I know it is what God says to do.

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Russ Resnik
Esther, Seriously

Purim is definitely a good time for celebration. We should eat, drink, laugh, and enjoy the holiday fully. However, we should also appreciate the true story that we read in the Tanakh of the adventures of Esther and her adoptive father, Mordechai.

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Russ Resnik
Let Us Draw Near

While the original Mishkan was built once and then completed, we can participate in its building and rebuilding every day: living lives of prayer, Shabbat, and mitzvot as people of humility, faith and character. Thus may we draw near to God that God may, in mercy, draw near to us.

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Russ Resnik
The Trail Map of Torah

I love maps because I like to know where I am in the big picture of things. Tracing where I’ve been, the trails I’ve taken, then locating my present position, is the only way I know to navigate the road ahead. This is a good life practice for individuals, as well as for communities.

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Russ Resnik
From Head Counting to Healthy Community

Leaders like to count heads. The US government has conducted a census every ten years since 1790, and even the theocracy established in Israel ages earlier required a census. The Torah’s guidelines for this census are surprisingly relevant to creating healthy communities today.

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Russ Resnik
Who Doesn’t Like a Nice Sandwich?

Whenever I have something meaty to explain to someone, I always try to deliver what I call a sandwich, interspersing it with the bread of affirmation and compassion. Not everyone needs or appreciates a nice verbal sandwich, but for me, it’s like a verbal hug of affirmation and encouragement.

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Russ Resnik
We Need an Advocate

Messiah our High Priest doesn’t simply go instead of us as some might posit, but rather ahead of us as our advocate. Therefore, we can follow him into the throne room of grace, confident that we will receive grace and mercy in our time of need.

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Russ Resnik