Hosting or attending a virtual seder this year? You’re probably looking for an online haggadah so that your virtual seder guests can follow along. Here’s a roundup of online haggadot, both Messianic and mainstream …
Read MoreThe entire global Jewish community is preparing for our first isolated Pesach in living memory. Plans are coming together for virtual seders, Zoom gatherings, and downloadable haggadot. Many are planning to organize a seder in their own homes for the very first time. What’s a Passover-planning newbie to do?
Read MoreYou are stuck at home! Your kids are driving you up the walls! They haven’t seen their friends! They are missing your congregation’s children and youth programming! What are you to do? Don’t worry! We have some ideas to keep them learning, connected and engaged at home!
Read More95% of the Messianic congregations in North America have shut down their in-person gatherings this weekend, and likely for several weeks longer. Here’s a list of UMJC congregations who are live-streaming their services, or providing alternative online programming, including classes, prayer gatherings, and recorded sermons.
Read MoreThe novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly, with major outbreaks in South Korea, Iran, Italy, Germany, France, and the West coast of the United States (the disease is now present in 35 states). This has already affected a UMJC congregation - Beit HaShofar in Seattle -
Read MoreThe novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading across the globe, including reports of at least 3 cases in Israel, 400 in Italy, and over 60 in the United States. Public health and epidemiology experts have projected that COVID-19 is likely to spread further over the next few months.
Read MoreSeveral worthy Messianic Jewish translations of the Scriptures have appeared in recent years, and the most recent one, the Jerusalem Illustrated Bible (JIB) adds a new dimension.
Read More“Killing Jesus’ Brothers and Sisters” is the title of a powerful op-ed by Christianity Today editor-in-chief Mark Galli, posted on January 3. Rabbinic Counsel Russ Resnik responds with appreciation and a further step in repudiating anti-Semitism.
Read MoreUnion friend and colleague Gid'on Nelson passed away November 26 in Florida. We will all miss his generous and enthusiastic spirit in following the ways of Yeshua his Messiah.
Read MoreToday we're grieving with the Jewish community of Poway, California (close to San Diego), in the wake of a synagogue shooting at a Chabad. An attack on one Jewish community is an attack on us all, regardless of denomination or affiliation.
Read MoreJoin the Messianic Jewish community in 49 days of prayer, study, and giving. Together we will thank God for the gift of the Torah, the land of Israel, and our Messiah, Yeshua.
Read MoreEleven Jewish people died yesterday, while worshipping the God of Israel on Shabbat in their beloved synagogue, observing an ancient custom that unites us as a people. This marks the deadliest attack on a Jewish community in American history. There are no words sufficient to capture the depths of my grief as a Jewish woman, a mother, and a defender of refugees.
Read MoreSteve Fenchel, leader of UMJC-affiliated Sha’ar Adonai Messianic congregation in New York City, passed away early Sunday morning, June 10, from massive internal bleeding.
Read MoreThe state of Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary on April 19 this year. Amid the tensions and challenges of the turbulent Middle East it's a day of celebration for Israel and recognition of the "first-fruits of redemption," as the Jewish people from around the world reclaim and restore their ancient homeland.
Read MoreThanks to the wonders of Amazon Prime, you can have the best Hanukkah bedtime stories on your doorstep in two days' time, or instantly download them as ebooks. Below is a roundup of my recent favorites.
Read MoreBeth T'filah, in the Miami area, reports that many families in the congregation sustained damage to their homes. Since the storm, congregational leader Matt Absolon has been busy assisting neighbors and congregants with tree removal and home repairs.
Read MoreThe time has come to help our neighbors rebuild. There are two important ways that you can help the victims of Hurricane Harvey right now.
Read MoreEllen Goldsmith, former president of Ahavat Zion Synagogue (AZS), long-term UMJC supporter, conference speaker, adviser, friend, and colleague to many, passed away after a two-and-a-half year battle with cancer on January 3.
Read MoreWe call upon the US government to actively oppose any further attempts to delegitimize Israel in the international arena, whether through the various organs of the United Nations or in multilateral summits such as the upcoming Paris Conference.
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